
Accessible entrance and moving around the museums

Accessible entrance to the Cable Factory Glass Courtyard is from the Kaapeliaukio side of the building. The automatically opening door is located on the extreme right. The button for the door can be found on the side wall. A ramp (gradient approx. 8%) leads from the Tehtaanmyymälä to the museum lobby. The automatic door at the top of the ramp is opened by a QR code from the ticket office.

The guard will be happy to assist when needed (tel. +358 (0)40 1922 300). Admission is free to personal assistants and carers of visitors with disabilities.

The entrance through the Factory Shop is also accessed via a ramp, but the doors are not equipped with an automatic opener.

The Finnish Museum of Photography is located on the ground and first floors, the Theatre Museum on the second floor and the Hotel and Restaurant Museum on the third floor. Access to the floors by lift. The exhibitions are mainly wheelchair-accessible. The only exception is the stage and dressing room of the Arkadia in the Theatre Museum, where ramps for access will be installed by an exhibition supervisor.

Guide and assistance dogs

Guide and assistance dogs are welcome in the museum.

Services for the visually impaired

A sign-interpreted workshop and an assistant guide are available at the Theatre Museum by prior arrangement.

Hearing loop

There is no hearing loop available in the museums.


A wheelchair is available for hire at the Cable Factory. Information at the Glass Courtyard Info.

Accessible parking spaces

There are two accessible car parks in the courtyard of the Cable Factory, near the D floor, where parking is limited to four hours. The car parks are 295 cm and 305 cm wide. Along Tammasaarenkatu, near the entrance to the museums, there are two accessible parking spaces parallel to the street.

Accessible toilet

Accessible toilets are located in the lobby and in the Theatre Museum exhibition rooms on the 2nd floor. The toilet in the lower lobby has a free space next to the seat on both sides. In the Theatre Museum toilet area to the right of the seat.

The toilets in the Cable Museums are gender-neutral.

The entrance lobby toilet has a nappy-changing tray and a potty and high chair for small children.

Rest areas

Chairs for resting are located in the Cable Museums’ entrance lobby and in the exhibition halls. You can borrow a lightweight folding chair to take with you on your tour.

Smell sensitivity

Fragrances are used in the exhibition areas of the Hotel and Restaurant Museum.